GCWest Congratulates City of Hope for Winning the Theme Award at the 2023 Tournament of Roses Parade

City of Hope’s 49th Rose Parade float entry, “Expanding Hope,” represents increasing national patient access to world-class cancer care and research. City of Hope is one of the largest cancer research and treatment organizations in the United States and a leading research center for diabetes and other life-threatening illnesses. To read the full article and […]
A Cup o’ Joe: Let the Outside In

Earlier in the year I sent a note to a group of parents with executive-level jobs with the following advice: “In these roles, the responsibilities are significant and the demands endless. Never forget to unplug, get outside, and enjoy quality time with the ones you love.” Recently, I felt overloaded, on edge, too easily provoked, […]
The Value of Secondments

Your chief compliance officer abruptly leaves the company with a stack of issues pending review, and the list is growing longer each day. One of your in-house lawyers has announced she will be going on maternity leave in a few months, and you are not sure how everything will get done without her. Your company […]
Peak Performer: Radiology Partners 10 Years of Transforming Radiology

GCWest’s mission, to provide world-class general counsel services to businesses transforming healthcare, has always paired us with industry innovators willing to revolutionize the status quo. One shining example is Radiology Partners (RP), founded in 2012 with a mission to transform radiology. A decade later, RP is the largest radiology practice in the nation and the […]
2nd Annual GCWest Cares

After an adventurous and fun-filled summer, the team at GCWest gathered together with our kids to host our 2nd annual “GCWest Cares” backpack drive to provide new backpacks and school supplies for local elementary students in need. This year, we were even joined by a couple of our magnificent clients. The event has become a […]
A Cup o’ Joe: What It’s Like to be a General Counsel Right Now

Being a general counsel has always been a difficult job. No easy problems make it to the GC’s desk. It’s hard for me to believe, but I’ve been practicing law for nearly 30 years. It’s been almost 18 years since I first served as a public company GC. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to […]
Data Exploitation on the Rise: Is Your Data at Risk?

DATA COMMERCIALIZATION GCWest reviews and drafts thousands of contracts every year. A growing area of focus is on protecting one of our clients’ most valuable assets and sources of potential liability – their data. What starts as a simple contract review often evolves into an intense negotiation over data use. We have repeatedly observed our […]
Peak Performer: City of Hope An Innovative Leader in Cancer Care

GCWest’s mission, to provide world-class general counsel services to businesses transforming healthcare, has always paired us with innovative entities looking to make significant advancements and contributions. City of Hope, a long-term GCWest client, is one such organization. Founded in 1913, City of Hope has been providing cutting-edge medical treatment for over a century, and today […]
A GCW Tradition: The Annual Christmas Extravaganza!

What started simply as a shared meal around the table has evolved into a time-honored GCW family tradition—the Annual Christmas Party or, more accurately, the Annual Christmas Extravaganza! This past December marked the 10th anniversary of this special gathering. The event has become a marker of time, a reflection of how our practice has grown […]
A Cup o’ Joe: Silver Linings

We are now 18 months and counting into our world being turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic. As I reflect on what has transpired between then and now it occurred to me that there are certain things that I now believe to be true in the professional workplace that I might not have been […]