What started simply as a shared meal around the table has evolved into a time-honored GCW family tradition—the Annual Christmas Party or, more accurately, the Annual Christmas Extravaganza!
This past December marked the 10th anniversary of this special gathering. The event has become a marker of time, a reflection of how our practice has grown and evolved and an important reminder of why we exist as a firm: To be “parents who practice law, not just lawyers with families.”
This holiday tradition began in November of 2011, as a Thanksgiving celebration. It was our personal thank you to the team and those that support them. A home cooked Thanksgiving feast was served, family-style around the kitchen table. This first celebration cemented the importance of the occasion and the tone for all others – food, family, & fun!! Though the celebration shifted to Christmas, the purpose has remained “thankfulness and gratitude”.
Over the next few years, with GCW growing rapidly (and families expanding by the minute), the party numbers swelled. By 2015, kids outnumbered adults. And by 2016, we reached a high of 42 guests (19 adults and 23 kids)! All of this youthful energy running amok in our home required focused and festive activities including gingerbread house decorating, a marionette show, Christmas carols, live music, and a special visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus.
After having to cancel our 2020 gathering, we were thrilled to resume this memorable holiday tradition in December. It was a magical evening of reconnecting with the entire GCW family to share a meal around a table in gratitude, much like it all began. Of course, it was significantly more than that, with all the bells and whistles that make this the single most requested firm event of GCW kids. With all the pressure these days “for your best year ever-est”, even the Christmas party continues to improve!